thoughts on allsorts!

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Christmas market

Well i did remember to take the camera but it was such an awful afternoon - it was chucking it down with rain - not that that deterred many people, or us - it was packed! So here are a few of the better pics.

Some of the pics were taken earlier in the afternoon when the weather was not too bad - i love these old fashioned merry go rounds.
These three were playing lovely carols.
gorgeous scents coming from this stand - lots of citrus and cinnamon.

After a few hours we started to get hungry - there just happened to be a crepe stand nearby and we could not resist having one each - scrumptious, especially when eaten under an umberella!!This is hubby and darling daughter tucking in!
A little bit more market shopping.

Just before we decided it was time to go home we thought we would go and have a look around the new shops that have just finished being built. Most of the shops have not moved in yet but i was sooo happy to see one of my favorite clothes shops - its called All Saints and has some very diffferent designs. But what i thought you might like to see was their window display - it was brilliant

I so wish the picture had come out clearer - but you can see that its all old sewing machines - god knows where they got them all from - there were two windows like this so there were hundreds of them - some of them were broken if you looked closely but lots of them looked intact! I wanted to take one home!
Well thats all, the other pictures are just too dark. We had a lovely time and felt very christmassy!


trash said...

oooo! Missus Moog and I saw that shop in Covent Garden. I had to restrain her from going and liberating the whole windowful!

Joy said...

Oh Maria ... you just KNOW I'm gonna have to visit that shop when I come over!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Joy :o)

Jo in TAS said...

Those Markets look great and that shop window is awesome, what a fabulous collection!!

Gina said...

I got so excited by all those sewing machines... the market looked fun despite the rain.

Locket Pocket said...

What a fabulous window display! But I would have wanted to liberate them all too! Lucy x

Mama said...

Wow what a fund window! And the festival looks like a goos time too :)

ps: got your pressie (safely packed in my knitting bag for Wednesday's trip tot he LYS) and am sending a return parcel by week's end :}

noelle said...

Brilliant! What a great time you must have had x x

Mrs Moog said...

what Trash said - we did - we saw that shop! Also - what Trash said - much restraint was required!


silverpebble said...

Oh a Christmas market - you lucky lucky thing Maria! It looks magical despite the rain.

ikkinlala said...

Now I want to make crepes!