Bath - that is the city, not as in the!! I decided i needed - needed and not wanted - subtle difference which of course you all understand - some fabric - there are so many lovely new designs around and some of my stash is looking a bit dull and boring. So early on Saturday morning i tootled off - i decided to go early as it was going to be a very hot day! I actually remembered to take my camera with me !!! Its amazing how you can take a place for granted and looking at it through a visitors eyes certainly makes you appreciate it more!
I always park by the cricket field and walk over the bridge to the city centre and that morning it was beautiful
My little camera doesn't really do it justice!
There is always something going on in the main street - this man is always here - being a statue - how he was going to cope when it got hotter goodness only knows
There were some people busking in a variety of costumes

I was fairly restrained in my purchases, just some fat quarters - which i forgot to take a picture of!!! but i did take some pics of the shop!

I went fabric shopping on Saturday too but nowhere near as nice as that!
ooh, Bath looks sooo pretty!!! Definitely on the "to do" list when we come over there :o)!!!
Joy :o)
It looks like you had a gorgeous day out! I've only been to Bath once - when I was about 10 I think! Must go back again one day!
Lucy x
Yum! hat entire day looks delicious! You could print you pictures and sell them to tourists - they are good :)
ps: Trashy, were you "shopping" in my fabric stash again?! I had hoped moving the storage bins to the attic would dissuade you.
Great pics maria, where is that quilt shop? I have not discovered that yet. Looks gorgeous. Think I need a Bath day with out toddler! Has been ages.
Found you via Tamsyn. I haven't been to Country Threads for such a long time. We used to live on the southern slopes of Bath but are well into Somerset now. Trips to Bath are rare these days but I always park at the cricket ground, too. There's usually a space when everywhere else is full!
I went to Bath many, many years ago and thought it was a lovely place. What a great quilt shop, I could really get into trouble in there.
I've never been to Bath. It's on my list though! Looks beautiful - I love the street entertainers anywhere. They are often so good and so funny.
I have not been to Bath for years. Lovely senic pictures, you captured the lovely blue sky.
What a beautiful area you live in and most importantly it has fabric !
Thanks for the lovely post about Bath. I went to school there from 10-17 years old! Lovely pix evoking many memories. And now there's a quilt shop? I will have to try to get there one of these days!
Live in the UK for a year and love Bath. So beautiful.
How lovely to live near Bath. What fabric did you buy?
I found you via other blogs, thank you for taking me with you in Bath!
Have a nice day!
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