At the moment my head seems to be swimming with the stuff i have to do!! I seem to spend more time worrying about how i'm going to get it all finished than actually getting off my b--t and doing something about it!!!
As mentioned in the previous post, i have loads of sewing to do for darling daughter, i seem to have been making bunting for britain - not that i'm complaining if it all sells that is!!! I have some blocks to do for the around the world quilt swap, which i'm loving being part of, but worry that it might not be quite good enough. I have also joined a pincushion swap so am looking at patterns and blogs to get some ideas! I still have not quite finished the flag! I know i will love it when i've completed it but at the moment it seems to be dragging on!!! Also there are some other projects i need to finish - aaaargh!!! I think i need to be called mrs moansalot!!!
So sorry about that - well at least i got it off my chest!!! Change of subject i think!
Did you all have a lovely bank holiday? the weather was beautiful and it was so lovely to sit in the garden. I decided i would have half an hour, just sitting, with a cuppa, and chilling! it was great - i closed my eyes, the birds were singing and chattering (we have a lot of house martins this year), the bees were buzzing and the scent of our lilac trees just drifted across the garden ,goodness am getting poetic now!!! this lovely idylic moment was rather spoiled, quite funnily, by a very gassy pony!!!! The noise was amazing and i just cried with laughter!! the trouble is that the grass is growing soo fast, that it has a very gassy effect on Em's pony Mitch!When she first got him she was soo embarrassed by his noisy derriere (not sure that's spelt right!) - we used to say he was jet propelled!!!
aah, bless him!
hope you are all having a lovely half term week - so nice to have lovely weather for a change - am hoping to go the the Bath and West show saturday - so will try and remember to take my camera!

Don't you worry about not being good enough for the bee. That's rule #1 you know, No worrying about if you're good enough. Your blocks are gorgeous!
Sometimes you just need to tackle one job at a time... says she who never follows this advice and feels overwhelmed most of the time! Loved the gassy pony story!
Dear Mrs Moansalot, thinking one step at a time might be a plan. And perhaps some kind of charcoal for the pony!?!?
It's so easy for me to get overwhelmed ~ probably because it's so easy for me to over-commit myself! Ha! But I agree with Gina, just tackle it all one thing at a time and rot the rest!
Got the mag last Wed and saved it/refused to open until I had a quiet day to absorb it's wonders. SO glad that I did!!! Thank you sooooo much! Hoping to get to the po today (lots to do on our list) to pop your pressie in the post.
Enjoy the day :)
ps: this post is so funny! It could be an episode of "Keeping Up Appearances"!
I'm just giggling here thinking about you sitting with your eyes closed in the garden enjoying nature when nature intruded! So funny!!!
Lucy x
Im so glad the horses in the field where I live are a little quieter in 'that' department! Hee Hee X
(The comment moderation word is whotangs)Sorry for some reason after reading your post that made me laugh!
Don't forget that i've seen your blocks - and they're gorgeous!!!!
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