She's finished! it was such a horrible afternoon yesterday, absolutely hammering down with rain and blowing a gale so it was the perfect excuse to do some sewing. Firstly i did Matilda's hair - had no idea how to go about it so just played about with some wool. and then the face - i had drawn it loads of times as i so did not want to get it wrong - anyway i think she turned out okay in the end. i think i might just do a little patchwork quilt of her own to send with her and hopefully get her off to the Toy Society by the end of the week! well here she is - please bear in mind that i have never made a doll before so be gentle with me!!!

i also did some stitcheries which i had been meaning to do for the last couple of weeks, plus a little heart pic

and this is the little heart applique.
I love doing these and its such a lovely feeling when someone buys something you have made - i don't know about you but i always feel so critical about my own stuff ! there's always something i feel i could have done a bit better!
Right, back to reality, better go and muck out the horses - we brought them into their stables last night as the weather was awful and there's not a lot of shelter in the paddocks. but the sun is shining now so i had better make the most of it.
Well I think she's gorgeous! I don't know that I could make something so delicate. I'm sure she will bring much needed comfort to a child over in Oz.
The stitcheries are lovely too - you certainly had a productive day!
you are such a clever girl!!
Matilda is lovely.
Matilda is adorable and the rest of your sewing beautiful too. I know what you mean about being self critical though - I've gone through nightmares about my exhibition convinced that people would hate the work!
Oh Maria you've done a great job!!! Matilda is so sweet, any little girl would love to have her I'm sure :o).
Hope the weather improves for you soon ... although it's nice to have a good excuse to stay in and stitch ;o).
Joy :o)
Oh your dolly is gorgeous!!! And so is all your other sewing too!
Lucy x
She is soooooo cute. You have done a wonderful job on her face. Im sure any little person would love her. Your stitcheries are great too.
Maria she's wonderful - she'll be incredibly precious to the little girl who receives her. Lovely gingham dress.
Your other work is gorgeous too - such lovely stitcheries.
Your dolly is gorgeous, such a gentle face. I love the Mum sampler too. What a great collection of work.xx
Matilda looks really cute. Lovely face you have given her. The stitchery is unusual too. I have not done anything like that for ages.
Lovely waltzing Matilda. I love her hair and face. See? it wasn't so hard!
Matilda is wonderful, what a great job you did!
Congrats on the dolly. I love days when it's just not possible to go outside. You can purely focus on things inside, which to me means . . . sewing. Love the hearts pic.
You've been a busy bee! Matilda is so pretty and some little one Down Under will get a lot of comfort from her. Good job!
The little hearts are so cute, what a great present.
Oh, she's gorgeous! She'll become a real treasure for someone small :-)
Your stitcheries are lovely and I love the applique hearts!
I am loving all your red checked inspirations...
I agree with Blossom, you a very clever!
Love Happy xx
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